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Does Botox For Hyperhidrosis Work?

Hyperhidrosis, or excessive sweating, is a condition that can cause significant distress and discomfort. It often leads to both physical and emotional challenges for the individuals who experience it. At Emma J Aesthetics, we offer innovative treatments such as Botox, which has proven effective for managing this condition. As a professional aesthetician, I believe that…

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How To Stop Excessive Sweating

What is excessive sweating? Excessive sweating, also known as hyperhidrosis, is a condition that affects millions of people around the world. It is characterised by sweating more than what is necessary to regulate body temperature. While sweating is a natural bodily function, an excessive amount can be embarrassing and have a negative impact on one’s…

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5 Causes Of Hyperhidrosis

Sweating is a normal response when the body rises in temperature, and sometimes to certain emotional states. But what about excessive sweating – hyperhidrosis? The causes aren’t always as clear-cut, but here are five things that may be triggering your sweating, as shared by the experts at our Inverness clinic. Hormones Did your hyperhidrosis start…

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How To Stop Excessive Sweating

If you struggle with damp palms and sweat patches more than the average person, you might have hyperhidrosis. This debilitating condition is characterised by frequent or constant sweating that can’t be attributed to changes in temperature or physical movement (though these factors can make the problem worse). Hyperhidrosis – also known as excessive sweating – affects…

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3 Ways To Help Stop Excessive Sweating

Excessive sweating: it might not seem like the nicest of subjects, but according to figures from Hyperhidrosis UK, around 1% – that’s over 678,000 people – live with the condition in the UK alone. Sadly, many suffer in silence, not realising that there are thing that can be done to help manage and relieve the…

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The Low-Down On Excessive Sweating

Whatever the reason our clients book in with us here at Emma J Aesthetics, we want you to leave feeling happier and more confident than before. Whether it’s a cosmetic-based procedure or a skin treatment, we know that feeling good and looking good often go hand-in-hand. Something we can help with here at our Inverness…

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Excessive Sweating Myths

When it comes to talking about our bodies, sweat can seem like the elephant in the room. We sometimes notice how other people smell, or even if others are actively sweating – whether that tell-tale glisten on the forehead or a wet patch on their clothing. But, as a nation, we don’t feel comfortable talking…

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How to Control Excessive Sweating

Sweat: it’s hard to believe something that seems so negative can have so many positives, from hydrating your skin to cooling your body. But not everyone can regulate their sweat effectively. Otherwise known as excessive sweating, hyperhidrosis affects 2 million people in the UK* and in turn, affect many areas of life, from work to…

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Hyperhidrosis Explained

This condition is instantly recognisable to some, while being something others have never heard of. Otherwise known as excessive sweating, people with hyperhidrosis can often find it embarrassing, as it can leave them with damp clothes and moist palms. People with this condition try anything from showering several times a day to constantly re-applying deodorant…

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