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What is excessive sweating?

Excessive sweating, also known as hyperhidrosis, is a condition that affects millions of people around the world. It is characterised by sweating more than what is necessary to regulate body temperature. While sweating is a natural bodily function, an excessive amount can be embarrassing and have a negative impact on one’s quality of life. It can occur in various parts of the body, including the underarms, palms, feet, and face. Excessive sweating can lead to social anxiety, low self-esteem, and discomfort in social situations.

Causes of excessive sweating

There are several factors that can contribute to excessive sweating. It can be caused by a medical condition called primary focal hyperhidrosis, which is believed to be inherited. Other medical conditions such as menopause, thyroid problems, and diabetes can also cause excessive sweating. Additionally, certain medications, caffeine, alcohol, and spicy foods can trigger it. Understanding the underlying cause of it is important in order to determine the most effective treatment options.

Understanding hyperhidrosis

Hyperhidrosis is a medical term used to describe excessive sweating. It can be classified into primary focal hyperhidrosis and secondary generalised hyperhidrosis. Primary focal hyperhidrosis is the most common type and typically starts during adolescence. It is not caused by an underlying medical condition and is believed to be a result of overactive sweat glands. Secondary generalised hyperhidrosis, on the other hand, is caused by an underlying medical condition or medication. It can affect the entire body and is often accompanied by other symptoms.

The impact of excessive sweating on daily life

Excessive sweating can have a significant impact on a person’s daily life. It can affect their personal and professional relationships, as well as their overall well-being. People with excessive sweating often feel self-conscious and avoid social situations, leading to isolation and decreased quality of life. It can also interfere with daily activities and make simple tasks such as shaking hands or writing difficult. Additionally, excessive sweating can cause skin irritation and discomfort, further adding to the challenges faced by those with this condition.

Treatment options for excessive sweating

Fortunately, there are several treatment options available for excessive sweating at Emma J Aesthetics. These include lifestyle changes, topical treatments, oral medications, and medical procedures. Lifestyle changes such as avoiding triggers like caffeine and spicy foods, wearing breathable clothing, and using antiperspirants can help manage excessive sweating. Topical treatments such as prescription antiperspirants and aluminium chloride solutions can also be effective. In more severe cases, oral medications such as anticholinergics may be prescribed. Medical procedures such as Botox injections, iontophoresis, and surgery may be considered for those who do not respond to conservative treatments.

Woman having Botox injection in armpit at Emma J Aesthetics for Hyperhidrosis treatment

The benefits of seeking treatment at Emma J Aesthetics

Choosing Emma J Aesthetics in Inverness for hyperhidrosis treatment offers several benefits. Firstly, the clinic has a team of highly skilled and experienced medical professionals. They understand the physical and emotional challenges faced by patients and provide compassionate care. Secondly, Emma J Aesthetics offers a range of treatment options tailored to each patient’s individual needs. From conservative treatments to more advanced procedures, the clinic ensures that every patient receives the most appropriate treatment for their condition. Lastly, the clinic’s commitment to excellence is reflected in its state-of-the-art facilities, ensuring a comfortable and safe environment for patients.

Botox, also known as botulinum toxin, has proven to be an effective treatment for reducing excessive sweating. When injected into specific areas of the body, such as the underarms, palms, or soles of the feet, Botox blocks the release of a chemical called acetylcholine, which is responsible for stimulating sweat glands. By inhibiting the production of sweat, Botox can significantly decrease excessive sweating in these targeted areas. The effects of Botox injections for hyperhidrosis can last anywhere from four to twelve months, depending on the individual. However, to maintain the results, periodic treatments are typically required, with most individuals opting for treatments every six to twelve months. The frequency of treatment may vary based on the severity of hyperhidrosis and the response of each person to the injections.

Armpits, hand and geet to show where Emma J Aesthetics can do Hyperhidrosis treatment


Excessive sweating, or hyperhidrosis, can have a significant impact on a person’s daily life. It can cause embarrassment, social anxiety, and discomfort, affecting both personal and professional relationships. However, with the right treatment, excessive sweating can be managed effectively. With a team of experienced medical professionals and state-of-the-art facilities, Emma J Aesthetics offers personalised and effective solutions for excessive sweating. If you or someone you know is struggling with hyperhidrosis, don’t hesitate to seek help and regain control over your life.

Contact Emma J Aesthetics in Inverness today to book your Hyperhidrosis consultation!

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