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We can’t help but reiterate: your skin’s needs change with the seasons! You should of course wear sun protection all year ’round during long periods of exposure, but more so during the summer months when the sun is strongest. Likewise, you should keep your moisturisers light to prevent your pores and follicles becoming blocked with excess oils in higher temperatures. Summer skincare has been and gone, and autumnal and now winter skincare need to occupy our minds and bathroom cabinets. Do you know what you should be looking for in your autumn and winter skincare?


Autumn & Winter Skincare Top Tips

Summer needs lighter products, of course. Light exfoliation, light moisturisers, and plenty of sun protection to avoid inflammation and sun damage should all form intrinsic parts of your summer skincare. In fact, our blog post on the causes of hyperpigmentation investigates how sun protection could make all the difference. However, because the later seasons are arguably more demanding on your skin, your autumn and winter skincare should vary quite noticeably from your summer products.


More frequent exfoliation is essential while the seasons grow colder and drier. Once or twice a week, a quick exfoliation with one of your favourite products helps slough away the dead skin cells that are dampening your skin’s glow. The colder weather dries our skin out and blocks off the fresh layers beneath, creating a flaky coating that is resistant to letting moisture seep in. Exfoliating removes this layer, letting your skin breathe and receive the moisture from your topical products to refresh and rebalance it. This kind of skincare isn’t just good for your face – try using a body exfoliator or even shower mitts on your hands to keep them free from dry skin, and don’t forget to moisturise them afterwards! Even deeply exfoliating treatments such as chemical peels are recommended during the autumn and winter months.


Where summer asked for light moisturisers, it’s around this time we should seek richer moisturisers to replace them with. Colder weather often brings dryness and a lack of strong sun exposure can leave our skin decidedly dull and flaky. The dry air saps the moisture from our skin which can prematurely us and make us appear more tired. Beginning your morning with a rich moisturiser will help protect and brace your skin from the colder air outside. This will also stop your skin from feeling tight and irritated, soothing your cells. Apply moisturiser, be it to your hands or face, as soon as you’ve finished washing and cleansing to lock it in.


Changing your facial cleanser is also important, but this might be a bit trickier for those of us who use a certain product for our skin type. As a general rule, harsh cleansers can be aggressive on skin that is already drying out a little. Acidic or alcoholic cleansers will contribute to your skin’s dryness during these seasons, but there are ways of maintaining a good skincare routine without forsaking a cleanser. Changing to more moisturising and hydrating cleanser is always an option, but if you are partial to your current cleanser there are other products you could try. Adopting a richer moisturiser is a must for anyone, but when using a strong cleanser, it’s an absolute necessity. Hydrating from the inside-out with plenty of water, vegetables rich in vitamins, and using an overnight mask or cream are also great steps to take here.


Is sun protection really still necessary?

Controversial, but yes, sun protection is still necessary in autumn and winter. It could actually be the biggest contributor to sun damage and the developing signs of ageing to those who don’t particularly enjoy sunbathing and hot holidays. Because we’re operating under the assumption that we’re not at risk because the sun is weaker and hidden behind clouds, we don’t always apply sun protection. While it’s true we might not burn during this time, the sun’s rays are capable of far more than just turning us a little red. They break down our skin structures over time and cause the development of hyperpigmentation and sun spots, causing a blotchy skin tone, wrinkles, and volume loss. Sun protection is always important, and even wearing a weaker SPF is beneficial whenever you’re exposed for a long period of time.


Your skin changes, so your skincare should too. If you’re worried about your skin’s health, are noticing changes in your complexion, or are seeking professional and results-driven skincare, visit us at Emma J Aesthetics in Inverness! Enquire online or book your consultation on 01463 830149 today.

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