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Have you ever wondered what skin type you have or, if you already know your skin type, which products will irritate it, and which will actually help? Your skin is your body’s largest organ, so naturally it needs some care and attention paid to it. This care and attention should be specialised to your skin, though, because the products that work well for oily skin might not dry skin’s best friend. Here’s our advice on knowing your skin type and what the use for it during your skincare regime.

Normal skin type

This is one of the most ambiguous skin types because it doesn’t really produce any problematic symptoms or skin conditions. Falling halfway between the two extremes of ‘oily’ and ‘dry’, normal skin types have it far too easy. When flare-ups do occur, they tend to be short-lived and driven by some other stimuli such as hormones, environment, or diet. The normal skin type still needs daily maintenance to ensure it stays this balanced and it can still be prone to looking tired or dull. Gentle cleansers, lighter moisturisers, and sun protection is enough to maintain a balanced skin complexion for normal skin types. Weekly exfoliation may also help with skin cell turnover in the colder days, and a chemical peel every once in a while, will help bring a fresh glow should it start to appear tired and dull!


Oily skin type

An oily skin type is often inherited through genetics, though it can be stimulated by hormonal changes and naturally and consistently high levels of hormones. Because the root of oily skin lies in hormones, its severity can fluctuate from week to week and month to month. Active oil glands produce a higher amount of sebum that seeps through our pores and follicles and can sit on the skin’s surface, and these oil levels along with dead skin cells can clog these openings and cause spots. High-street products that are high in alcohol might claim to tackle oily skin, but actually they could have the opposite effect. They strip away the natural oils of your skin and leave it very dry which, as well as causing dry skin and possibly some discomfort, could lead to your skin over-compensating and producing even more oil to replace what was lost. We want you to know that professional skin cleansers and a full course of chemical peels (rather than just the occasional one recommended for normal skin types) could help you bring oil production, skin congestion, and spots under control.


Dry skin type

Dry skin types often feel tight, flaky, or scaly, and this can be made so much worse during the winter and colder months. Topical products like cleansers and makeup with too-high chemical compositions can make this problem so much worse. Due to a lack of natural oil production, dry skin types often have smaller pores that aren’t too visible, but they’re more likely to develop premature wrinkles and irritation through skin dehydration. Drinking more water won’t really have an effect on dry skin, because the issue lies within natural oil production or lack thereof. Heavier and richer moisturisers are therefore advised to help fortify and introduce hydration to the skin. Dry skin types should avoid skincare products that contain high concentrations of alcohol or harsh exfoliators, because these products could strip away the remaining oils and dry the skin out further. Instead, try light cleansers and a light exfoliation once a week, with rich moisturising products and serums.


Visit our Skin Clinic in Inverness

Visiting Emma J Aesthetics will help you not only to understand your skin type, but your unique needs. We can develop a personalised treatment plan to improve the health, vibrancy, and appearance of your skin regardless of your skin condition. Our range of professional take-home products and in-clinic treatments could transform your skin. Get in touch on 01463 830149 to book your initial consultation.

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